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3D Projects

As I have grown a lot into 3d art during my years at Uni, I wanted to experiment and create some of my own personal projects. I started developing 3d characters and 3d sculptors using Character Creator 4, Unreal Engine, and Blender. My goal is to create dynamic and clean visuals that come to life. I also have some experience in Cinema4D, Zbrush and 3dsmax. Though I've grown more onto blender, and Character creator and Autodesk Maya. These are my projects I have created below:

I have created these characters as part of my role as a 3D artist at a small game studio called Descendants of Earth. I had to create cyberpunk/futuristic, semi-stylised characters with different ethnic backgrounds, age groups and body types. I have used Character Creator 4 for these 3d models, and I had to used reference images from                    to create a vision of my character designs. The rest was up to me to be creative and showcase what I can do.

Marvelous Designer is used for realistic digital clothing design and cloth simulation. I have started using this as my sister was building her fashion line and has requested me to experiment creating different outfits. It took me 1-6 months to get the basics of the software until it became easier to understand though I still have a lot to learn. These are the designs I have created for my sister. 

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